
Showing posts from November 8, 2015

The Burning of the Clocks

Fingers swiping. Wax. Minutes. Splintering matches. Spark. Seconds. Pyrophoric flames. Sizzling orange. Hands. Fire. Ebony numbers. Ticking embers. Piles of tocking deaths. So that Time will finally know how it feels.  To.  Have.  All.  Your.  Time.  Running.  Out. -anna sluder


Sometimes a murmur cataracts Through the abysmal shadows of my mind Flickering down through the sky Sunlight glimpsing through the trees in a car humming by  Like the flickering of an old picture movie Sometimes a whisper funnels through As an afterthought to words long left the lungs  Words long lost off the tongue  And it is the shaking of your bones, The rattling of marrow after we've already won  The muttering is a pulsing vein and a straining hand Desperately eroding away as it tries to say  To tell me one simple enigmatic  word: Stay.  -anna sluder 

Still Human

I'll tell you the truth, I'm not your average girl,  As much as I detest melancholy, I still think sadness is good now and then, Because even if I don't know if my damaged shell holds the pearl, At least my ability to feel reminds me that I am still human.  -anna sluder