Brick Wall

The yellow sunlight on the brick wall
Is my haven when I'm stuck inside
For whether it is spring, winter, or fall
The unparalleled color never hides
It always shows the red faces
And the ones who hide in the cracks
It illuminates where is our place
And what we truly lack
For as human kind we make a wall
Each one of us is a brick
And if we don't show that we all fall
Then we won't ever hear the music
Of the beauty of this life
And what we come to know
Instead of all our strife
So we may accept and also grow
And I love that  how those bricks make a wall
Is a refuge to me instead of a burden
For most see it as all evil and small
things built up by foolish men
But instead I know that this brick wall
Is constructed not to keep people out
But to keep people connected and all
And keep out evil, sin, and doubt
So when most think walls are wrong
I know the light shining down on it shows how we're strong.

-anna sluder


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