Living vs. Existing

There is the boy who lives life like he is drinking on a binge
But the entirety of his existence is swinging on the hinge
Then there is the girl who lives in the swallows of her lists
Trying to control her world and when it doesn't work she uses her fists
Their paradox is too polar
The worrisome and the stroller
But they have a difference the world has always missed
The boy is too much alive and the girl barely exists
At least the boy knows how to celebrate
But the girl knows how to follow her finger along the line of fate
Neither is better in their being in the extreme
For the place they need is in the in between
But people too often straddle the line of living and existing
As often as lovers allow hugging to change to kissing
So no wonder these two polars fell in love
For they were soon heard thereof
That the lips of worry and the lips of drinks
Collided together at the living and existing brink
So the opposites of the two extremes
Formed together into the beauty of a lived-out dream.
-anna sluder


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