Chaos of Imperfection

We are a people of chaos
We are walking mirrors of fear
We are much like the earth when it is hurt
We tremble and we quake
We flood and we break
But never do we drown all
Or completely snap ourselves in half
We have to let the desperate parts in us scream
To be able to sit quiet and heal
We have to be reckless to live 
To hold ourselves together
We are much like the earth
Because after it cracks and it screams
After its storm is when the most 
Beautiful skies do appear
But the earth and you, the earth and me
We are also all children 
We are simply and individually a child 
That has to throw its tantrum 
In order to let go of the past to heal
The child has to weep and sob
To know that it has the ability to feel
And like the earth that calms after its roar
Silently healing as the sun rises in the sky
Like a bandage for a wound 
Deep in a drowsy haze of knowing everything's okay
So is a child after it cries
It falls asleep 
Tenderly without a fear on the earth
And to heal the things that did break. 

-anna sluder 


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