Raining Me

Wouldn't you be ashamed to realize,
That all your ego and conceit,
Was nothing but empty lies,
When the earth falls at the universe's feet,
And we see that the earth was only,
A bluish green raindrop falling through,
The universe, to splatter and break you and me,
No wonder the earth has less green than blue,
It is simply a watery globe in a downpour,
There are billions of other planets just like us,
With people thinking they are everything and more,
Believing them and their egos are worth all the fuss,
But when they are broken and riddled down on the floor,
In the glimmering atoms of a puddled universe,
They will epiphanize their lives as nothing more,
Than all the else, whether homeless, single mom, or a nurse,
We have a chance to love for a blunt while,
Because though we are surely insignificant,
Love's impact gushes and streams on for miles,
Like the shower of the planets and stars raining on the cosmos cement,
We are called not to try to rule our watery globe or fate's rain,
Like many pompous people try to do,
Or wallow in each passing day and puddle stain,
But love fiercely as we dance in the rain so blue.

-anna sluder


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