Dawn and Dusk

She got drunk on the dew of the morning
As he got drunk on the stars of the night 
But they did this daily, not a one night fling
Their drunkenness guided by the separate lights 
Their names were dawn and dusk 
And they were the forgotten souls of time
They weren't day or night, they're part of time's husk 
An undefined moment, a blank name before the prime
No wonder they drink, dawn sucking our dew dry
And dusk guzzling away our carbonated stars 
They are unappreciated without a why 
Just a pre-show before where the big shots are 
But dawn and dusk cannot change 
Dawn isn't day and dusk isn't night
So they get intoxicated in exchange
Instead of remembering that they are stronger than dark and light
For it is extraordinary for light to penetrate the dark
Under the name that we call the  dawn
And the dark to shroud daylight's heavy spark
And that dusk can make the sunlight withdrawn
Instead of morning staying in the darkness of night
And night staying in the normalcy of light. 

-anna sluder 


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