Break the Glass

I held up my hands to the window
No I pressed them to the window
I slammed them into the window
But glass isn't soft
It isn't subtle or ethereal
And I didn't have any intention of an escape
I never thought of escaping
Until I felt the glass slam it's hands back 
Why would they make it so strong?
When all it is, is for us to look out of 
And that's when I knew
That I was in a box
A one way glass cage 
I have been trapped 
And bound
But I can't break it
I cannot snap the glass
For I am afraid
Of the blood and the pain it will draw
But I am not alone in this cage
For its prison walls do not limit
My house 
They do not have a limit
And if they do
Its limits are at the ends of infinity
A place I cannot reach 
A place I cannot touch
For the blood is too much
So for now 
I dream
I dream
And I dream of a world
After this life
Where I will stand on the other side of the glass
Look inside 
Then dust cosmos's feet 
With the splinters of glass
As I hold my blood dripping hand
And remember how I once thought
That glass wasn't soft
And even if it draws blood then
I will not mind
For to break the walls of a box
Is something I will gladly bleed for
And die for 
Even if I am already dead
For all the girls inside of the glass cage
Who do dream and will dream 
And dream
And dream
For them
I would die again and again. 

-anna sluder 


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