
Our lives are wrought by moments
Whether they are indelibly tender 
An infinite instant that is inextricably Godsent
Or the plaguing ones with enough torture to render 
Our ache and pangs to all consuming misery 
But needless of the type, these moments define
Our lives, marking how you are you and I am me
And teaching us where to search for this identity to find 
O you inextirpable anomalies of time
In between the reality and the illusion
Teach me to live like you do in your fleeting lifetime
In raw spontaneity and wonder again and again 
For our lives are wreathed with you and your moments 
But our lives are just as impermanent as you 
But so that I know what my life truly meant
Show me how to live unboundedly through  
For my life is made of chromatic moments 
But I am also one too. 

-anna sluder 


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