The Sound of Sirens

You'll find me deep beneath the bedsheets of the sea
Singing away my ache and my misery
As my friends massacre innocent souls above
While all I can think is how I cannot betray sisterhood love
To end the beguiling songs sung so beautifully 
As artifice lies under their sweet voice as they comb their hair 
But how else will I get them to see?
That it is wrong to be dubious and for human lives not to care? 
They polish the gem roped around their necks
The source of their melodious voice that make men drown
Oblivious to the human lives that they wreck
As their seducing songs lure poor men down 
Perhaps I can be ignorant too, as I sit upon the ocean floor
Averting my eyes from all of the suffering and ache
All from the throats of my friends, but no I cannot stand it anymore
If I were to blind myself to the pain, truly I would be a fake
So as the rain of sailors drips down through the pores of the sea
I cringe my way through the maze of all the pain
To the rocks where my friends harmonize on their knees
To tell them they cannot murder any more men in vain
But they disdain me and refute me as they croon more
So I commit the only act I find is left
I tear their treasures to watch their voices sink to the floor 
To see their muted souls descend vacant and bereft
And as I strain through the depths to rescue the poor men
I wonder about the precious lives and my friends theft
And how I forgot before I killed them the terror I didn't feel then
So now I fear the sudden fear that I am the only siren left. 

-anna sluder 


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