
I was raised in a black glass church
Where they told you it was see through
That they never hid anything for it was made of glass
But even if it is glass
You cannot peer through black
It's truth was feeble and thin 
The glass broke into brittle iotas of the dark 
With one fingertip pressed, and no blood spilled
Only the blacken blood of the black glass church 
Then I went to the church that was built out of sand 
I thought this one would be better
Since it was formed like a castle 
With a red flag even posed on the top
But who would have known
That it was only for a show?
Until the invertebrate blue waves
Came hurtling in across the church of sand
And the church became only a home for the tide once again
I was about to give up when I found a rock to sit upon
And it happened to be a church carved out of stone
That didn't lie about its transparency
And wasn't quite pretty enough to be for show
So the church made of rock let me lean upon it
It was a cornerstone for the weary and insecure 
A defense for the weak
An anchor for the drifting souls
And full of golden ore for the poor
The black glass church and church of sand
Each owned their separate faults
But what neither had except the church of stone 
Was the indispensable ability to stand. 

-anna sluder 


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