Burning Bridges

We tripped upon each other's souls 
From friends into lovers 
And without knowing my heart is what you stole
I didn't have time to run for cover 
I thought you'd pockmark me with kisses
But instead you shot bullets with a particular aim
As I hoped that my heart would be missed 
But instead you pumped the trigger untamed 
So I was left bleeding on the battlefield of our past relationship 
And you never crossed that river to our battlefield again
Until years later you decided to mend what had been ripped
But I couldn't help you through, for the scenery had altered by then, 
For as you reached out your hand for forgiveness for the danger, 
You were still bullets to me, our memories war torn images, 
So we will never be anything more than strangers, 
But you cannot blame me for all the burning of your bridges. 

-anna sluder 


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