Everything: my first list poem

I believe in. Blue skies. Skies that blush at sunset. Red kites. Little hands. Laughter. Incandescence. Innocent smiles. Burnt embers of the summer. Leaves of the fall. Ink corrupted pages. Pencil scratches. Piano keys. All things made by fingers. And all things that are not. Joy. Wonder. Cathartic fears. Clear nights. Vagabonding minds. Constellations. Infinite universes. Infinite stars. Opaque. Translucency. Lullabies. Early mornings. Dawn. Grass with dew. And the light through the trees. Jesus. Humanity. Blood shed for me. Miracles. Rain spilling. Canvases. Fingers spattered with paint. Painting your dreams and letting your dreams paint you. Teacups and stories. Gardens. Simplicities and complexities. feet padding the earth. Wanderlust. Stained maps. Crinkled noses. Throwing your head back when you laugh. And blowing bubbles through your straw.wrinkles. Baby cheeks. Skin colors. Culture. Rising in love rather falling in it. Infallibilities. Silent tears. Tides sloshing in. Everything I am. Everything I am not. Things falling together. Things falling apart. Old films. Black and white. And every color in between. Snowflakes that don't melt. Crunching footsteps. Fire. Embraces. Slowness and quickness of time. Waltzing blissfully through this life. Wind through your hair. Road trips. Trails. Cities at night. Arms dangling over car windows. Freeness. Freedom. Anger. Stillness. Scars. Sunlight after the storm. Inhales. Exhales. Lungs to breathe. Arms to embrace. Legs to dance. Souls to believe in beautiful things. A soul to believe in you. 

-anna sluder 


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