Paper Crowns

I see these boys and girls like kings and queens 
Strutting through the hallway of the school
And I want to laugh at these majesties of only eighteen 
For building themselves up into nothing but fools
All the others worship them for getting drunk and partying
And then sitting home afterwards utterly alone
And then back at school they reign again as kings
As if wasting your life away deserves a throne
But I see them as nothing more than legends who cannot stay 
Nothing more than a show performed by clowns
No more than ghosts who only feel alive when they hurt others in what they say 
As they strut the school halls with their paper crowns 
And paper is all they are, only what they've cut out for themselves to wear
There is no true power that they hold, 
And I know since I braved their show, there is a place for me out there somewhere, 
Where I will rise with a crown of gold. 

-anna sluder 


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