
Take a sip of my warm indifference
As it stains the dog-eared pages of your hopes 
Discolors your coffee table with wet rings like crop circles
Signifying the alienness of us, of that once love 
I hope you bury it in sugar, the suffocation of sweetners
Strangle it with tea bag strings and syrup 
And I laugh hysterically as you toss salt in, thinking its sugar
I hope you gag on the lukewarmness of my love 
The bitterness of letting the tea bag steep for a little too long
So that you may suffer never knowing if I loved you a little more than I hate you or hated you a little more than I loved you
Because indifference is the in between, but mine is tender
Sweetly torturing you over if I loved you more or less
Like love and hate, stalemates at the blade
Pushing and pushing a little here and a little there
For a little more sugar, and a little less sugar 
Is the indifferent tea that we taste. 

-anna sluder


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