My Generation

Dear parents, you cringe at my generation hovering loudly over our shoulders 
But don't you think I think it's sad too that nowadays and everyday
We drink the soup of our salty tears
And choke down anxiety pills like lumps in your throat you can't swallow
The words you only wish but never can spit out 
Naming every fear of ours a mental illness so we can get some sort of pill to fix us 
That never can really do more than etherize, anesticize us 
And we stifle the single human quality we have left: hunger
So that we can saw off, chip, and chisel away our bodies
Like that one art project in class you could never get right but the more you worked at it and repainted it the worse it looked
Because you were wrong practice doesn't always make perfect at least when it comes to purging 
Or we stifle it with the gluttony of eating ourselves alive 
Until we drown in the quicksand of our fat rolls 
Fingers curling over the mountains of our skin, and eyes peeking over 
Hoping no one is watching the act of hiding and harboring our souls away 
Because even the dark pit under all the fat is more comfortable than showing our real selves
Dear Michelle Obama it's not about how much exercise you get its about how much pressure you get 
Care more about the numbers of lives than the numbers in a GPA and then you won't have to make your commercials about change 
Because this pressure is the insomnia of inability, a paralysis 
It's what forces us teenagers into bed  saying we're tired when truly we aren't sleeping 
So then we are victims of parental tones trying to reprimand and fix our lying habits again
When we really aren't lying we are tired, tired of the pressure
The pressure so intense we cannot even lift a pencil to the paper let alone write an essay
So we are confined to our beds, because the fear of failure is like a strait jacket 
So we watch ours tv shows, view other characters' problems, watch others solve their issues
Because it's so much easier than facing our own
It's easier to watch others live life than do it yourself
And we drink and drink until we forget the color of the sky
And can't even feel the liquid gurgle over our lifeless tongues 
Because being numb is so much safer than feeling 
It's too unpredictable, feeling, 
So we say if you have to feel happiness and pain, then just screw them both 
So we party and jump off roofs and drive our cars way too fast
And you all scream at us that we aren't invincible 
But we are 
For how can you hurt an already wounded soul? 
And we sleep with the counterfeit people, give our bodies away 
Because being with the fakes keeps us away from the reals, the ones who will love you but will also make you feel
So dear parents, we know how you would want it,
The traditional way of people fearing death because that's how it's supposed to be, right?
And it scares you when my generation puts nooses around their throats instead of prom necklaces 
And guns to their heads just because they are afraid of a GPA or the pressure of a sports game
But don't you see it's all a game? 
And we are too frightened to play
I know back in your day people were scared to die
But mothers, fathers, it's not the same anymore
We have never been terrified  of nonexistence or death
We are terrified of living. 

-anna sluder


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