The Stare of a Syrian Boy

I love you
If only my hand could stretch across nations
I would lift you up out of the hills of bodies 
Out of the land of bombs and brokenness 
For I know at least my heart does
And I would offer you a place in my chest
But instead I am here in my perfect four sided box house 
In this perfect four sided box country
Watching you touch your face with your hand, look at your hand covered in blood
And you not knowing that we saw the blood on your face before you did 
That our entire country is watching you at this moment
Watching you be so quiet that at a moment of tragedy and ache
You cannot even scream, you cannot even cry
For the bombshells have dropped all around you, spitting metal under your skin, welding you into hardness 
Or perhaps you think the camera we point at you is a gun 
And that is why you are silent, desensitized to submission
So even if you are far away little boy, I just wanted to say that I love you
And I know times are hard, and you never deserved this 
But you are seen, I see you, I see it all, and I'm here for you
Maybe not sitting beside you, but I am here 
And my darling, I will stand beside you. 

-anna sluder
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