
Sometimes I wonder what you think of me
Is that little smile that you cannot contain
That numbs your heart warm with glee
Is it a thought of me you cannot seem to drain?
Sometimes I wonder what you think of my smile
If it spreads too broad or is too thin
Does my head throw back too far when I laugh for awhile?
Or do you wish that I never lose my grin?
Sometimes I am so terrorized that even though you love me
You don't necessarily like the way that I am
I wish I would say that I could change for you easily
But to be true to myself I can't
For I like how your hands are soft and how the wind on your skin smells
For this is how this crazy love is supposed to be
Where we find pleasure in each other's little and big things as well
So if I like you for the bad and the good, you have to do the same for me.

-anna sluder


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