
Showing posts from September 20, 2015


The man shook Desire's hand and slapped him on the back,  He thanked him for helping him love his wife everyday more,  But Desire has two sides, and the man began to read obscene magazines in stacks, And the Desire that had created their love had also created a war.  -anna sluder 

Wander, Wonder

you cannot wander without wondering What is out there for you to find perhaps it is standing in the sunlight with open arms for I to call mine I imagine it is calling me  to come wandering in its woods For it wants to be found  And it tells me I should  I am oblivious to what it is But isn't that the heart of wandering?  To venture without knowing if I can fly Yet still opening my wings So for now I will dream of you Even if you aren't just one thing But what I find is that you aren't real Only a whisper that kept me wa(o)ndering.  -anna sluder 


Wonder is the thing of shadows that lurks watching in the alleys behind wonder is the calluses on your feet from years of trekking the world to find  wonder is morning walks  In foreign cities before its people rise It is the thing of sleeping earth beneath your back  As you float away into night sighs  wonder is the compass of your thoughts  it is the roadmap of your soul where once you follow it, you will see the depth it has wrought  and the sudden ability to feel once again whole.  -anna sluder 


We all look up at the sky  And know it is blue But often I wonder, what color the sky sees in us, what color am I? What color are you?  -anna sluder