
Showing posts from July 10, 2016

Rare Birds

She was a blue sky hope Rare Like an estranged bird  The black swan but brighter but warmer Stretching out her feathered wings To envelop the pessimists With all of the light that a bird could bear Before catching on fire.  -anna sluder

Strawberry Blush

"Wow I love your blush" he says As strawberry blood runs down my cheeks.  -anna sluder

An Ode To The Beautiful Future

Darling, you are the tender orange of a sunset  The infinity of stars tucking the night in like a blanket You are the moment that the sun and the moon first met When they knew that there love wouldn't be something they could forget  You are the fierce wind tossing back locks of hair The warmth of a ferocious fire that creeps quietly into your bones  The crinkly eyes locked in two lovers' first stare The soft presence that heals a person from being alone  God if only you all knew how beautiful you truly are But even a poet cannot describe these human works of art  For you are immeasurable galaxies unreachably too far  Stars I cannot catch in my hand yet I still cannot part So just know I see you all, all of you And I am painting you permanently in my mind Writing your names in my books, in my prayers, in my heart  Admiring your beauty as your stars align.  -anna sluder

Our Bones

It is not the enemy across the foreign lands that we fear It is our blood gurgling with fatal desire Our bones riveted with fire What we can make of ourselves after our tears  The inability to suppress the chemical reaction  That surges through the melancholic parts And recharges the human response to hurt their hearts Until there is no one left standing to see the damage done  Except the children playing in the streets of blood.  -anna sluder

A Song For the Hills

She wrote a song for the hills  Harmonized it with the grasses and the trees Held it up to the sun to bottle the rays that had spilled And synchronized it to the melody of the bees She warmed it against the sun and cooled it with the moon Named each verse after each pasture and meadow And crushed up wildflowers to sprinkle across the tune  Until finally she craned her neck to the sky and sung above all the shadows.  -anna sluder

A Song For the Hills

She wrote a song for the hills  Harmonized it with the grasses and the trees Held it up to the sun to bottle the rays that had spilled And synchronized it to the melody of the bees She warmed it against the sun and cooled it with the moon Named each verse after each pasture and meadow And crushed up wildflowers to sprinkle across the tune  Until finally she craned her neck to the sky and sung above all the shadows.  -anna sluder

A Song For the Hills

She wrote a song for the hills  Harmonized it with the grasses and the trees Held it up to the sun to bottle the rays that had spilled And synchronized it to the melody of the bees She warmed it against the sun and cooled it with the moon Named each verse after each pasture and meadow And crushed up wildflowers to sprinkle across the tune  Until finally she craned her neck to the sky and sung above all the shadows.  -anna sluder